Borobudur Temple

6 min readMay 16, 2024


Beyond the Sunrise: Unveiling Borobudur and Crafting Your Mahayana Pilgrimage

Borobudur, a marvel of Mahayana Buddhist architecture, transcends time and beckons travelers seeking a profound cultural and spiritual encounter. This 9th-century masterpiece, coiling majestically upwards on the Indonesian plains, whispers tales of forgotten empires and forgotten wisdom.

Intricate stone reliefs depicting the journey towards enlightenment adorn its many tiers, while serene stupas, housing sacred Buddhist statues, punctuate the landscape. But for many, the journey to Borobudur itself can feel like an adventure in discovery.

My Personal Borobudur Pilgrimage

In April 2024, I embarked on my second pilgrimage to Borobudur, this time with my husband by my side. It was a homecoming of sorts, a chance to revisit childhood memories and share the magic with a loved one. The Javanese sun beat down, a warm embrace that mirrored the hospitality of the local people.

We opted for a road trip from Surabaya, a journey that unfolded like a tapestry woven with vibrant landscapes and charming villages. Upon arrival, two options presented themselves: a basic exploration of the surrounding park or a deeper dive — an ascent to the heart of Borobudur itself.

As my husband, a foreigner, was eager for a more immersive experience, we chose the latter. The price difference for foreign visitors is documented on the Borobudur Temple website, so be sure to check beforehand.

Check the ticket here

The website

Our pilgrimage began at a designated building, where we donned slippers, the customary footwear within the sacred grounds.

A friendly guide, his voice laced with passion, explained the significance of the relief stones in clear English.

Borobudur’s grandeur left me speechless. The sheer scale of the monument is awe-inspiring, a testament to the ingenuity and devotion of its creators. The park itself sprawled outwards, inviting exploration and reflection.

However, the sweltering heat and vastness of the park proved too much for my elder family members. Here, the kindness of the temple guards shone through. They readily offered assistance, transporting them back to the car on their motorbikes. Despite the temporary separation, the spirit of togetherness remained.

The view from the top of Borobudur

Borobudur stands resolute, a testament to human resilience. Though time and natural disasters have taken their toll — earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have left their mark — the core message of enlightenment endures.

Planning Your Mahayana Adventure: A Guide to Reaching Borobudur

Now, let’s delve into the practicalities of reaching Borobudur. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or a first-time traveler to Indonesia, this guide will equip you for a seamless journey.

Transportation Options:

Reaching Borobudur is an adventure in itself, offering various routes to suit your budget, travel style, and desired level of comfort.

  • Taking Flight: Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) serves as the closest major airport, offering connections from major Indonesian cities and potentially even direct international flights depending on your origin. From YIA, you can either pre-book a shuttle or taxi (convenient but slightly more expensive) or opt for public transportation like buses. While buses are a budget-friendly option, be prepared for slightly longer travel times.
  • Train Travel: For a more scenic journey, consider taking the train to Magelang, a charming town nestled near Borobudur. From Magelang station, a connecting taxi or local transport like a bemo (a small minibus) will whisk you to the temple gates.
  • The Road Less Traveled: Road Trip: For the adventurous souls, renting a car or motorbike from Yogyakarta offers the freedom to explore at your own pace. This option allows you to stop at hidden gems and soak in the stunning Javanese countryside.

Choosing Your Path:

The ideal transportation method hinges on several factors:

  • Budget: Flights might be the fastest option, but they can also be the most expensive. Trains offer a good middle ground, while road trips are the most budget-friendly but require more planning.
  • Time: If you’re short on time, flying is the way to go. Trains offer a balance, while road trips provide the most flexibility but take the longest.
  • Comfort: Evaluate your comfort level. Flights offer the most comfort, while buses and trains might feel slightly cramped. Road trips allow you to travel at your own pace and stop when needed.

Additional Tips for a Seamless Journey:
  • We highly recommend checking online resources for booking flights, trains, or car rentals in advance, especially during peak season.
  • A map depicting the different travel

Having conquered the logistics of reaching Borobudur, let’s delve into the heart of the temple itself. Here’s your essential guide to navigating the monument and unlocking its hidden stories.

Ascending the Spiritual Path:

Borobudur isn’t just a temple; it’s a three-tiered mandala, a symbolic representation of the Buddhist cosmos. Each tier signifies a stage on the path to enlightenment — Kamadhatu (the realm of desire), Rupadhatu (the realm of form), and Arūpadhatu (the realm of formlessness).

Your exploration begins at the foot of the monument, the entrance gate adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from the mythical life of Buddha. As you ascend the eastern staircase, flanked by captivating reliefs showcasing everyday life in ancient Java, prepare to be transported back in time.

Kamadhatu: The World of Desire

The first tier, Kamadhatu, embodies the earthly realm. Here, the reliefs depict stories from the Jataka tales — fables chronicling Buddha’s previous lives and his acts of compassion. Explore these narratives, each a window into Buddhist philosophy and ethical teachings.

Rupadhatu: The World of Form

The middle tier, Rupadhatu, signifies liberation from earthly desires. The reliefs here become more abstract, symbolizing meditation and spiritual practices. Keep an eye out for the exquisite “Law of Karma” reliefs, a stark reminder of the consequences of our actions.

Arūpadhatu: The World of Formlessness

The highest tier, Arūpadhatu, represents the realm beyond physical form. Here, stupas dominate the landscape, each housing a hidden Buddha statue. As you climb the final steps, a sense of serenity washes over you. Take a moment to soak in the panoramic views of the surrounding plains and ponder the impermanence of all things.

Essential Tips for Exploring Borobudur:

  • Dress modestly: Out of respect for the sacred site, visitors are expected to cover their knees and shoulders. Sarongs can be rented at the entrance.
  • Respect the silence: Borobudur is a place of contemplation. Maintain a respectful demeanor and avoid loud noises.
  • Sunrise or Sunset? Both offer unique experiences. Sunrises paint the sky in vibrant hues, while sunsets bathe the temple in a mystical glow. Choose whichever resonates more with you.

Beyond Borobudur Exploring Magelang’s Treasures

While Borobudur is undoubtedly the crown jewel, Magelang boasts a treasure trove of sights waiting to be discovered.

  • Mendut Temple: Nestled near Borobudur, this 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple houses a colossal triadic statue depicting Buddha flanked by Bodhisattvas.
  • Pawon Temple: Located further south, Pawon serves as a testament to the architectural ingenuity of its creators. Explore its unique layout and captivating reliefs.
  • Borobudur Museum: Delve deeper into Borobudur’s history and significance at this museum, showcasing artifacts, sculptures, and informative exhibits.
  • The Setumbu Hills: Hike up the Setumbu Hills for breathtaking panoramic views of Borobudur and the surrounding countryside.
  • Local Cuisine: Indulge in Magelang’s culinary scene, savoring local specialties like Mangut Bebek (spiced duck curry) and Sop Senerek (beef tendon soup).

Borobudur Awaits: Your Mahayana Pilgrimage Begins Now

Borobudur beckons, a silent invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Whether you’re seeking spiritual enlightenment, cultural immersion, or simply a breathtaking travel experience, Borobudur promises an unforgettable adventure.

So, pack your bags, choose your path, and prepare to be awestruck by the grandeur of this Mahayana marvel. Borobudur awaits, ready to unveil its secrets to those who seek them.

Have you ever visited Borobudur? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below! Let’s create a community of Borobudur enthusiasts and inspire others to embark on their own Mahayana pilgrimage.




Marketing & digital insights, expat life in Barcelona, & Indonesian travel tales. Bilingual (ID/EN).